Wellness Physiotherapy

Wellness Physiotherapy aims to assist clients in their active pursuit of making changes and choices that promote an optimal state of health and well-being. Our physiotherapy services, including assessment and correction of breathing patterns, can have a positive impact on one’s physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being. 

Conditions Addressed in our Wellness Physiotherapy Program are:

  • Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease related to the future but experienced in the present moment. When thoughts, feelings, situations, or body sensations trigger anxiety, the body’s heart rate, breathing rate, and temperature can all increase, which then increases these feelings of unease. Breathing pattern disorders can be a trigger to anxiety.

    The physiological changes in the body when one is in an anxious state, as well as one’s unique breathing pattern, are the focus of treatment. Individualized breathing patterns are assessed to help determine if they could be contributing to anxiety. Many individuals have an underlying breathing pattern disorder preventing them from achieving a state of baseline calm. By assessing breathing patterns and offering individualized treatments to improve the efficiency, pattern, and ease of breathing, we can teach individuals to achieve a physiological state of calm; This state of calm reduces symptoms of anxiety. Relaxation techniques and restorative breathing methods are also taught to help with symptom management.

    *Only physiotherapy will be offered to help with anxiety symptom management. If you experience high levels of anxiety or feelings of panic, and it is affecting your day-to-day life, please see a physician. Counselling is not offered, but recommendations can be made. We will work in collaboration with your psychologist and physicians.

  • Autoimmune disorders are diseases where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. There are over 80 different autoimmune disorders. Some well-known ones include: Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Type 1 Diabetes, Lupus, and Parkinson’s Disease. Symptoms of fatigue, weakness, joint pain and swelling, and loss of mobility are common in many autoimmune disorders. Symptoms are often worse with stress.

    Breathing properly is a way to help manage stress and symptoms. Combining corrected breathing patterns with physiotherapy treatments that strengthen muscles, decrease swelling and pain, and improve endurance can help with symptom management and to regain mobility and functional independence.

  • Chronic long term stress can seriously affect the health of our bodies. Stress can lead to tight, tense, and painful muscles. Inflammation in our body increases with stress, leading to painful joints and movement. Stress increases how rapidly we breathe, making us feel short of breath. Stress hormones decrease our immune response, so it is easier to become sick. Elevated heart rate and blood pressure resulting from sustained stress can increase the risk of hypertension, heart attacks, and stroke. Our stomach can feel painful and bloated, as stress can also affect our gut health. Stress has also been linked to numerous physical and mental health conditions, including chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes, obesity), depression, and autoimmune disorders.

    Relaxation techniques, meditation, and physical activity are all effective stress managements tools. At the root of all relaxation and meditative practices is an effortless, calm breathing pattern. At Resonate Physiotherapy we work with you to help you achieve a breathing pattern that will help with stress management. We will assess and treat muscle and joint pain, and provide restorative movement programmes so that you can return to physical activities. Our approach results in your learning and achieving stress management strategies that will help you achieve your optimal state of well-being.

  • Women’s health is closely linked to hormonal health and balance. There is also a relationship between hormones and breathing. Some hormones can increase the rate of breathing and contribute to breathing pattern disorders. Breathing pattern disorders can lead to muscle pain and fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, feelings of nervousness and anxiety, panic attacks, brain fog, racing heart, and upset stomach. For those who breathe poorly, the drive to breathe faster can intensify these unpleasant sensations.

    Breathing patterns will influence physiological stress levels. Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances may increase premenstrual, perimenopausal, and menopausal symptoms. Breathing education and retraining with relaxation and exercise programs can help with symptom management.

  • Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue causing bones to weaken and fracture easily. Bone Fit ™ strategies are used to safely help in the management of osteoporosis to improve strength, endurance, mobility, balance, and function.

    *All osteoporosis assessments and treatments have a high risk of causing fractures given the nature of the disease. All possible care is taken to minimize the risk as much as possible using Bone Fit principles.