Neurological Physiotherapy
Neurological Conditions are disorders that affect the way the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nervous system and/or peripheral nerves are working. Disruption of the nervous system can lead to paralysis, loss of function, weakened muscles, altered muscle tone (not enough or too much), ataxia, loss of sensation, loss of controlled movement, pain, and changes to mental function. Common neurological conditions include: Brain Injuries, Concussion, Cerebral Palsy, Functional Neurological Conditions, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, and Stroke.
Each individual is treated according to their needs, rather than their diagnosis. Principles of neuroplasticity and activity based therapy are used to retrain movement patterns. By coupling respiratory and neurological physiotherapy, the aim is to improve respiration, mobility, functional abilities, nerve recovery and overall quality of life.
Correcting breathing patterns to strengthen the diaphragm muscle can help improve posture, balance, endurance, and respiration. Improving one’s breathing pattern can also help with sleep, fatigue, stress, and respiration, which are all commonly affected in neurological conditions.
Electrical stimulation is used when appropriate to help build strength, manage tone, and promote nerve recovery.